

Fine Art


My design work is a compilation of projects from school, projects from my job as Graphic Designer for Residence Life at SMSU, and projects from my job as an Intern Graphic Designer at SMSU. The projects I show have all been fun to work on and are for a variety of different audiences. I try to be as versatile as I can when working on projects. My main goal is to always have my client pleased with the outcome, but also to have a successful design that achieves its goal of drawing in an audience to a business or to an event. This ensures that my client has received a piece of design that achieves their goals. If everyone's happy, then I am happy!


My photography is still in the beginning stages, and I only show most of my class work. I also did a brief photo shoot with my sister and her husband. I will continue to work on developing my photography through my job and volunteer work. However, if there is a photo you like just contact me and I can sell you a print of my work. If you want me to take pictures for you or for an event, feel free to contact me and we can set up a time to have a fun photo shoot session!

Fine Art

In school, we took Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, 2D and 3D Design, and I chose to take printmaking too. I took painting and printmaking for a second time my senior year. My pieces don't have a common theme for the most part, but I do find myself using nature and landscape for my subject. In painting, I focused a lot on flowers and silhouettes within a landscape. In printmaking, I worked with book pages and printing high contrasting images. If you have an interest in any of my pieces, let me know, and I can get you a print.

      2015 Rachel Anns Designs

Created by Rachel Frerich